Not dead, just tired

Apparently I "should post more often." Heh. And here I worry more often over going on about things that are trivial to others. Go figure.

Having friends in town who I haven't seen in months or years is nice. Hanging out at a party until some godawful hour of Sunday morning was exhausting. The old west photo Sunday... well, okay, I warmed to that some, but I still wasn't doing a second picture dressed as a saloon girl. (Sorry, Max.)

And then I'm back working an evening shift this week. I find the shift more enjoyable as it's less stressful, but it puts me out-of-synch with everything else and that's kinda difficult to deal with sometimes. Ah well, so it goes.

Today I missed my midday nap by being out and about looking for two DVDs - one which no one in town seems to have, and another which doesn't even exist. Oy. Back to Amazon to place a speedy order. What can you do?

Meanwhile, my computer and I seem to have come to a rather strange agreement. The fancy water-cooling case system isn't for us. For me, it's too loud. My computer just bitches about it in general - at some point, the tube kinked enough that the water flow doesn't keep up with heat generated from playing games. So, for both our sakes, I've got a new case and fans on order. Feh. It seems kinda frivolous, but since it's there partly to play games and I can't do so for more than about half an hour at a stretch, something had to be done. If all goes well, I'll be able to move the hardware over without it realizing anything changed. If it doesn't go well... I leave that to your imagination.

The managing editor of the paper is leaving, not that this greatly effect me. No, I'm more concerned with needing to go through a few dozen decommissioned workstations to clean off registered programs and personal data before we get rid of these things. Ugh. Time consuming... but I haven't much else to do at night, in all fairness.

And thus... that'll do for now.


  1. I maintain that we would have looked splendid as Bar-maids.

  2. And I would probably still pay to see it... but that's not meant as encouragement (or pressure!) to go do that! Just ... an amused mental picture, I guess. *grin*


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