Mired in the MUCK(s)

I've into MU*s for... wow. Over ten years. I was introduced to JediMUD while away at college, but quickly opted for the more roleplay-centered MUCKs and MUSHes. Over the years, I've moved from one to another, but I never really remained active on more than about two at once.

Increasingly, though, I've been losing interest.

These places come in many flavors and varieties, but the ones I've stuck to most often are based on free-form roleplay with occasional plots/adventures run by "staff" members. Demand for organized RP, however, usually outweighs the supply. So when someone actively runs a plot, it's a mess. First, there are usually more people jumping at the chance to be involved than the acting GM can easily manage. Second, the difference in power levels between characters often makes the newer characters feel useless. And, not least, the scheduling can be nightmarish as a plot generally runs for several days at the least and not everyone who starts can be present every day. So, the "official" or "organized" adventures tend to be an exercise in frustration - waiting for everyone to be present, waiting for one's turn in battle, and so on.

So what about the free-form roleplay? Well, that's lost a lot of luster in my eyes too. There are a great many reasons for that, and I've only time to name a few. Probably, I could make a general statement saying I'm older, more jaded, and less creative - this is likely all true. Plus there's a cyclical nature to creativity and inspiration in these situations. I feel more inspired to got into detail and make things more interesting when those I interact with do the same. When I'm around people who can't do more than complain about how little there is to do, I'm usually no better. Sadly, some of those I played off of best are scarce and/or absent these days due to other priorities. And then there's the matter of setting. I've never felt at ease defining pieces of a world that isn't mine, and I haven't felt any sort of possession of a MU*'s world in a long, long time. So I rarely start any sort of action these days and, as the all-too-true-in-MU*ing saying goes: if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. If lucky, I'll see someone instigating what could pass for decent RP perhaps one night out of the week.

It really seems like I should move on. I oughta be able to do SOMETHING else with 2-4 hours every night, right? Yet I don't. I'm a creature of habit, and these places are basically the only way I keep in contact with some friends. I guess it serves that purpose still, but I'd much rather be able to sink into a character and roleplay. And that's just rare.


  1. I wish I had something constructive to say. Right now, I'm at the point where I'm half on hiatus and half trying not to be part of the problem. Because I'm not terribly confident in my ability to run plots; I specialize more in creating settings that are conducive to plot, which doesn't always help. I have one idea for a freeform heavy-rp game that could be run as an online thing, but there's no plot to it other than the characters generate amongst themselves, so I doubt it would work well in any kind of long-term way. Don't feel bad about not running away. Lots of us don't have anything better to do with our evenings. *tiredgrin*

  2. We've got a good gang over at NYCX if you are into x-men and want a change. check out the web site at www.unwonderland.net

  3. Looks interesting, though I'm not sure just switching from one place to another is the way I want to go. At the moment, I don't feel like that would make me any more inclined to get involved. For now, 'tis something to keep in mind, and I much appreciate the thought. Thanks.


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