Birthday Blues?


Save for a couple highlights, the day just sucked. I hate it when that happens.

I managed to sleep in some, but I probably should have rolled over and tried for another couple hours. It didn't help that yesterday's game left me feeling 'bleh,' and as DM that's my own responsibility. We had a guest over who, while I don't dislike in the least, I can't relate to in conversation - and she is quite talkative. So I felt pretty out of the loop there. We all went out to lunch, which was kinda nice, at least. There were other annoying details before and after too, that don't really bear relating.

Then I was back home with nothing appealing to do. I could have gone to our local shire meeting, but I burned out and got jaded when it comes to being active in the SCA some two years ago, I think. And while I was I mired in feeling bad emotionally, my roommate's not been feeling well physically. I don't like to think about it too much, but she's been ill in one way or another an awful lot in the last couple months.

I did finish the night with a bit of pleasant RP online. So, at least I didn't go to bed with a cloud hanging over me. Still, as far as birthdays go, it was really a downer. The Superbowl prevented a meeting with my parents for a dinner out and I missed out on any birthday-related well-wishing from one of the people I most would have liked to hear it from (not that this is a surprise). It could have been worse, but I feel like it should have been much better.


  1. Happy belated birthday, FWIW. I have completely lost track of birthdays anymore... I can barely even keep up with my own. :-[

  2. Hell, I know the feeling. ... For instance, I don't recall when yours is. o.o;

  3. His is in March, but I'd have to look up the date to know which day! (is it the 5th?). And here I was so proud that I'd remembered yours for once... *hugs* Sorry it was a downer! Next time I'm in town we'll go have a very belated drink, or something, k?

  4. The third, actually, but you're darn close. :-) I say, drinks all 'round!! :-D

  5. alright, so when will we all be in town together? Us winter/spring babies should go party! *grin* I'll be at an SCA event all day on my b-day, so I'm happy to postpone celebration!

  6. It looks like I probably won't make it to Durango during this calendar year... We're trying to cut back on the bigger expenses this year due to the kitchen remodeling project. I do plan on visiting in 2005 for the DHS reunion, though.... Mark your calendars! ;-)


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