With Great Power Comes Great... Noise?

The upgrade has begun. Slowly, granted, but it's begun. Yesterday we received 55 workstations, three rack-mounted servers, and various hardware to go with it all. I finished off the day having placed a new UPS in the bottom (given the size, I don't recommend soloing that). When I came in, my co-tech had just about everything else in place. Of course, then we had to take it all out to attach some cable-management arms to the server rails. Ick.

Much of the day was spent positioning, fastening, and assembling. Then we turned it all on. Damn. Those servers have 6+ fans each in them, none of which are quiet. Normal conversation in the room became barely audible over the noise of fans. And this is right next to a couple (cheaply-made) offices people work in. No one involved liked the volume, but what can be done about it remains to be seen. Our general manager got the idea to pad the walls with cheap foam in an effort to cut down on noise that gets out. Tomorrow we'll find out how well that works, but I'm skeptical.


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