The vacation in short

Wonderful. I don't know how long it'll last, but I truly can't sing enough praises about how good the trip has left me feeling now. Seeing friends was great, even if I saw less of one than I would have liked - it was still more than expected, so that's okay. Basking in friendliness and furriness... though there are still extremes that are a bit scary to me in both cases. ;)

As good as the convention itself was, though, the change in pespective was more important. Strange little things like watching someone call for directions on a cell phone without ever picking it up made me feel like I live in another world - and it felt good. I like technology, but in a lot of ways I don't feel like it *should* be that easy. But more than the 'big city' issues, there was the people. I met several new ones (and by meet, I mean spend more than two minutes of "hi, bye" with them). There were many personality types I'm not accustomed to dealing with and some of them made me feel truly blessed to have my own low-key attitude. I have certain doubts about being surrounded by such people over a long period, but brief stints help me refocus myself.


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