Focus (or lack thereof)

Well gee, I haven't feel like this in a while. Usually I get to work and glaze over. This morning I'm just as unable to focus, but it feels like my mind is in too many places at once. And I have a song running through my head. Oy.

I have at least two short stories I'd like to write. One's a follow-up to the D&D campaign we ended Saturday. My character never quite became what I wanted him to. After taking a shot at Orcus and mightily slaughtering demons, he deserves a little time for himself, I should think.

I'm DMing come this weekend. I should be putting more thought into the details there. Oh, I think I have enough to start with, but better is better, neh? I'm a little nervous about the game, to be honest. New players do that to me because I'm never quite sure what their inclusion will do to group dynamics (not that I can remember a *bad* experience in that regard, actually). More than that, though, I've picked a setting I've never run before. It's darker than my typical fantasy fare, and survival should require more subtlety on the part of the players. The game is enough of a change for me that I'm worried about getting it "right."

Hmm... maybe breakfast would help. A full night's sleep couldn't hurt either.

In other news, I saw Matrix: Revolutions yesterday. I'll avoid any specifics, but it still begs a few comments. There's plenty of action to be seen, but none of it seems as memorable to me as the lobby scene from the first movie, or the highway scene from the second. Close, but just not to that level. Plot holes? Sure, big enough to walk an APU through, but they didn't really distract me from the movie. And the ending is... not what I expected. I think it manages to wrap things up as well as it could have, though. It didn't meet or exceed the original, but I don't see how it could have either. It was a worthy sequel. I enjoyed it.


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