Well gee, I haven't feel like this in a while. Usually I get to work and glaze over. This morning I'm just as unable to focus, but it feels like my mind is in too many places at once. And I have a song running through my head. Oy. I have at least two short stories I'd like to write. One's a follow-up to the D&D campaign we ended Saturday. My character never quite became what I wanted him to. After taking a shot at Orcus and mightily slaughtering demons, he deserves a little time for himself, I should think. I'm DMing come this weekend. I should be putting more thought into the details there. Oh, I think I have enough to start with, but better is better, neh? I'm a little nervous about the game, to be honest. New players do that to me because I'm never quite sure what their inclusion will do to group dynamics (not that I can remember a *bad* experience in that regard, actually). More than that, though, I've picked a setting I've never run befo...