Once more unto the breach

So, in a few hours, I'll be off to look at the place I didn't get into Saturday. I still don't hold out much hope for it. Unless the kitchen is vastly better than what I saw in the other unit, it's not worth the trouble. And I still don't care for the idea of college students as primary neighbors, and doing laundry in a laundry room.

And my dad jumped in a bit. I fear I vented a little much yesterday, and made him plainly aware of my frustration with the situation (though not with him). He contacted a real estate agent he knows. She's working on setting up a viewing for me of another condo this evening. Glancing at the write-up of one in the same complex, it seems okay. It's... at the high end of what I can practically afford, though. With a rough guess at the homeowners' fees (which is lower than some I've seen) and a rough guess of utilities (which is probably a touch high), I'd be watching about $1200 drop to just over $300 each month, that remainder being for food, fuel, and anything else I need/want to buy. I... guess that's doable. I'm sure plenty of people have less to work with. It's a hell of a lot tighter than I'd like, though.

No offense, Nina, but I sure wish I could factor in a roommate with a job that would allow for steady contributions.

*sigh* As usually, we'll see what happens.


  1. Could you survive a roommate who has two cats? I am in Getting the Hell out of Casa Grande Right Fucking Now-mode. Durango is high on my list of places to bail to, and people do seem to be hiring there . . . but not if you're applying from Arizona. Fortunately, I'm one of those people who can temp anywhere for $8-$12 bucks an hour, even before finding a Real Job. --April

  2. Ah, cats... You'd been mentioned as 'maybe moving to Durango.' Frankly... I don't know how I'd handle cats. I can usually manage okay as far as short-term exposure, but living with them might require calculating antihistamines into monthly costs. Heh. And thusfar, I've been looking at 2 bedroom places, with the idea of sharing with Nina. Mind you, I've actually been looking at listings of 1 bedroom and up, but 90% of what I've seen is 2 (with one 1 and a couple high-priced 3's thrown in). So.. um... err... I don't know...


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