Depression: Well, after a little exchange with my doctor, we're trying an increased dosage. So far, no truly dark days or breakdowns and I can pull myself back from negative thoughts a bit easier. I worry, though, that it may also be keeping me a little... hmm... "floaty" comes to mind - less able to focus/commit to doing a thing. That's hard to quantify and confirm, though. Hmm... Reading: I have a few books on my "to read" list, though I find myself reluctant to start in on them. I received The Dragons of Babel along with The Iron Dragon's Daughter, but after reading the latter I'm not sure I want to read the former. Certainly, if it's the same level of aimlessness and depressive squandering of a character and setting, I'm not up to that right now. The latest (final?) book of the Lightbringer series has been available for a while, but I've been hesitant to pick it up. I've generally enjoyed the series and characters, but as i...
Hee hee. Sounds like the Dockers employee either didn't really understand the concept of nanotechnology, or they were just trying to avoid admitting that they were fudging in their advertising. I mean, my store stocks teflon-treated suiting, but they don't claim that it's friggin' nanotechnology!
ReplyDeleteAs for the first article: well, my friend Bronwyn works tech support, and she likes to tell people to speak nicely to their computers while she's figuring out what's going on. She tells them, "Hey, it can't hurt and it just might help!"