Another day, another something to say

Hmm... feeling a little better today, though I can tell my mood's going to be topsy turvy for a while.

Another viewing or two tomorrow. I have little hope for the condo we're off to see - the one I didn't make it into Saturday. The entire complex is too... college student-y for my tastes, but I'm still going to have a look. The other possibility at the moment is a mobile home.

Now... I don't really care for mobile homes as a general rule. They're getting better as time goes on, but they just don't compare to a nice, solid house in my mind. But I'm looking anyway. Why? Well, it's a 3BD/2BA with more square footage than any place I've looked at yet that's closer to the center of town and cheap enough I wouldn't have to take out a loan at all. Location and access to city utilities is a little more important to me than traditional, sturdy construction - how much more important remains to be seen, I still have standards. If that looks like the way to go (and if it's not already sold, and if... well, you get the idea), then things are a little different. The mobile is likely to lose rather than gain value over time. And I'd be paying some sort of rent for the space in the park. So that takes away some of the advantages of buying in the first place. But, unless the fees are obscene, I could probably move in there with no change in lifestyle, and that's a huge plus. So, depending on quality, availability, and miscellaneous fees, that could be the way to go.

Still too many variables to count on anything yet. I'll have more to think about tomorrow afternoon, though.


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