
Earth Day
The last freshman class of S.J.H.S. Class of 93

So reads a plaque in the middle of a grassy patch of what is no longer a junior high school. The stone, marble I believe, is weather and missing a few chips. Grass has grown up around it, making it necessary to pick out handfuls of clippings to read the whole thing. It's virtually invisible from the sidewalk. Most importantly, the tree planted with it is no longer there.

I wouldn't say I'm pained by that, but it merits a sigh. When a teacher put forth the idea, I gladly donated to it. I was idealistic enough to think planting a tree for Earth Day was a great idea. I suppose it was, too, but the tree has since died for whatever reason. Did "fate" decide we needed a visual reflection of the innocent ideals that are lost as we grow up? Or was it just happenstance? Does anyone even remember what we did?

I do. The plaque is there. The memories are there.


  1. Not too long ago we drove close to where I used to live as a child. I desperatly wanted my dad to stop the car and let me wander around. I also wanted to go to where my old school used to be, to see what was there to replace it. We didn't get the chance, but I desperatly want to get another chance at it. There are some things worth remembering, and some lessons worth learning, I think. And sometimes, that little bit of innocence is worth recalling.


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