Once more, with feeling

This would be for , but the few who read here may have additional comments. Also, by voicing it here I may get a message across that didn't seem to take by e-mail.

Kit, you need to seriously and honestly answer, if only to yourself: What do you want for Fool's Moon?

When we last had this conversation (in a very limited fashion), you seemed to imply you wanted the game published professionally. Yet here we are, the progress being limited entirely to your writing whims. Still. That's the way to treat a hobby - a personal project that may someday be published if all the stars are in alignment and everything just happens to come together.

I wish I could say all this as a published author or somesuch. You might listen more closely then. Instead, I'm just a friend with a different perspective than yours who cares about you and your dreams.

If you really want the game published, you need a far more business-like approach. You can't rely on friends to complete sections at their own pace, and (judging by the past) you can't rely on yourself to finish everything either. You need deadlines and you need people who can adhere to them. And if you're not able to organize that, you need someone who can.

The simply fact is the game appears no closer to release than it did several years ago. You're writing rules and text, but you're at the same point in a new revision where you've been before. I might be missing something, but I see no reason to think you won't end up doing another revision and starting all over again. Without some serious changes, you're just going to walk the same path over and over, feeling alone and overwhelmed.

I hate seeing you there, and I want to help. I've known from the beginning, though, my contributions to the project would be limited. I already have a full-time job. So, instead, I've seen you pressuring yourself to get all this done without acquiring the resources (mostly in the form of dedicated personnel) to accomplish what you want.


And, maybe I'm flat wrong. Maybe you can finish the whole thing on your own. Or maybe your friends will suddenly have the time, energy and inspiration to throw it all together.

So far, though, I think I'll be seeing gray in my hair before that happens, and I don't want you to be torturing yourself on and off all that time.


  1. I've thought about this a few times... hell, I've thought about this for years. You're right in that I need to set deadlines and get people dedicated to help me out ... very much like a job. I thought I had that, too. We had people on contract, who were supposed to show up regularly, discuss ideas, and sit down and get things hammered out. That didn't even last a month. I thought I had a writer I could sit down and work with, and that bombed. I don't know... even if I sign anyone on, I can't force them to do anything. It isn't like I can pay them yet. I'm waiting for Greg to finish Mhar so we can put it up on RPGWorld and get it sold, so we'd get money coming in, and then actually have people getting paid. I've been looking at PDF publishing some things as well... I'd asked for some people to put things into it, that didn't pan either... Until I can get something finished, and get us viable, I don't know if I can force anyone else to write, and help, and that leaves everything on my shoulders again. I... just don't know anymore.

  2. It sounds kind of like this should have been posted to . I've been helping with what I can, but the problem is I kind of suck at most of the things currently required. However, there is someone who's volunteered to help recently, and who knows about RPG stuff professionally. Kit, drop an email already!


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