The weekend in review


The weekend wasn't actually bad, but it never quite shaped up to what I might have liked. And thus I find myself with much that I can say here. ... Figures.

Friday - Well, I was wiped Friday night. That's normal. It's a shame, really, as that was once the time I could cut loose and stay up 'til all hours of the morning. These days, though, I just don't have the energy after a week of work.

Saturday - Game day. Actually, the day proved rather frustrating in general. I don't mind losing a game of Magic, but being able to look at the other deck during the start of a game and call exactly how I'll lose is a tad annoying. Dying to a Fling is, without peer, my least favorite way to go. Mrrf.

The real frustration, though, came in our D&D game. Mind you, I'm enjoying the campaign in general, but there's a few lingering characteristics of it that felt worse than usual. Our band of (now 8th-level-ish) characters is rich. They had their starting equipment magically converted into platinum (which wasn't all good at the time) along with a fair bunch of other stuff. The problem is, they can't ever get to a city where they might be able to trade in wealth for anything remotely useful. It took a legendary bard/mage NPC wandering through to get the characters' weapons enchanted at all, and while my fighter/psychic warrior would probably be happier in some good, heavy armor, he's stuck with the +1 scale mail found quite some time back.

This is usually just an underlying annoyance for the characters themselves. This weekend, however, the party was attacked while sleeping, and it really brought the issue to the fore for me. Not only is the monk in the group already flurrying for more damage than everyone else with a psionically empowered chain that's a step better than anyone else's weapon (and now that I glance at the SRD, I'm not even sure she should be flurrying with a chain), but the situation made it very clear how much a monk thrives in this sort of campaign. The class is restricted in weapons/armor, but while that usually balances their abilities, it means nothing in a campaign where everyone is restricted in what gear they can get, much less use. Nevermind that I'm trying to make a dragoon/dragon knight character with existing classes and the closest thing to a Jump attack that seems to exist is a feat in Sword and Fist that only monks can get. I don't bear a grudge against anyone, but it's hard not to feel just a little shafted under the circumstances.

On the online side, I found out FF:DA is back up and didn't lose everything. I feel odd about trying to psyche myself back up into being on a MUCK that I'd written off.

And, of course, I stayed up obscenely late to watch .hack//Sign and RP online. Feh. Darn script writers didn't get back to what happened at the end of episode 2 until the very end of episode 3.

Sunday - Well, Sunday was short. Having stayed up 'til 3 am, I slept until close to 1 in the afternoon. After that, there was the matter of filing tax returns. Ooo-ahh. I'm getting more money back from the federal government than I expected. When you consider all the financial shortfalls in the country, that doesn't seem right.

And I finished Xenosaga. After just about 70 hours (much on non-essential stuff), I'd have to say it's a darn good game. The long cutscenes could have been a major downside, but I found them engaging. And as it is the first in a series, there was much potential to screw up the ending. Thankfully, they didn't. There was a feeling of accomplishment as the situation was resolved. Much remains a mystery about the main characters and there are still plots moving they are not aware of, but the player is. A very nice job, but I'll be horribly disappointed if we don't get to find out more about the cast in the next installment.

Phew. Yeah, I'd best quit writing. Ciao for now.


  1. Wow, that's some first post. For someone who didn't want a livejournal account you set it off pretty well. :) Welcome to the club! Yeah, I can imagine having slow weekends, most of them are just like that for me. Hopefully, however, things will improve. Rod's planning on coming over a bit more often than normal, and has voiced interest in joining 's 7th Sea Campaign which will be nice, giving us a bit more oomph to the group, RP wise I hope. Hopefully, these two factors will make weekends a bit more fun.

  2. Well, as I've said previously, I haven't been avoiding a blog so much because I wouldn't use it, but rather because I just might say more than I really wanted to.

  3. Tch. Don't worry about the occasional bellyache. I don't see you ever getting as bad as, say, .


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