Once Human
My thoughts about Once Human run a gamut of reactions. At the moment-to-moment gameplay level, I think it's pretty great. The movement and shooting feel good, enemies have some variety to them, and the areas are generally interesting. Zooming out a little bit, the survival mechanics add some depth without feeling burdensome (though the temperature management added in the Way of Winter scenario may tip over that line a bit) as do the building mechanics. And yet, I also hit these plateaus where there doesn't feel like anything compelling to do. There is a series of story missions, though with some level gaps. The crafting progression is gated by the scenario phase, so I've played fairly heavily over a weekend and ended up having to wait several days for the next phase to be able to craft the next levels of workbenches and gear. Also, the way everything is wiped at the end of a scenario (which runs several weeks) means not getting attached to much other than gear blueprint ...