Recent Readings
Fireborne was... not good. I came across it in bouncing around looking for something to read and I initially thought it was written by an author I was familiar with, but after pausing to wonder why the style was so less appealing, I realized it was someone else entirely, go figure. It's urban fantasy centered on a self-proclaimed sociopath main character. Her powers are sort of Rogue-like - being able to steal the magic of others to use herself, possibly to the point of killing them. It's not so unintentional, but the experience is empowering and reasonably addictive for her and she doesn't really value most people's lives, so there is struggle to avoid using it too much more to avoid trouble than to do the right thing. Ultimately, though, I didn't find the story that engrossing and the focus on flirty "romance" encounters with guys that don't really pay off just put me off the book in general. On the other hand, I picked up Child of a Hidden Sea af...