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Thanksgiving was... muted this year. That's natural with everything that's going on. While I've had a couple Thanksgivings/Christmases during which my parents were unreasonably far away (thus I was by myself), this is the first to be interrupted by other factors. If we hadn't had someone in the office here test positive, we probably still would have gotten together for a porch-based meal, but that one incident was enough to push things over the edge and call off gathering. Bit of a bummer, but so it goes. - I've been playing through Assassin's Creed Valhalla of late. It's satisfying, though I can totally understand complaints like combat being mediocre at best and the game being stretched out too much. Still, I'm enjoying most of it and I'm reasonably involved in the story being told. Though I must say, there are some times I really wish I could project into the game more and take some specific action or say something. I certainly could have headed ...