
Showing posts from April, 2020

Wasteland 2

Wasteland 2  feels fairly old-school. I suppose in many ways that's the point as it's following the pattern laid out by the original Fallout games. The isometric tactical squad gameplay works just fine. There remain a few hiccups here and there with controls, but I didn't run into anything major. There are a lot of uses for most skills along the way, though some are certainly more commonly called upon than others. On the down side, travel (even with random encounters and managing water supply on the first map) is pretty dull, particularly when running back and forth for quest reasons. I'd also argue there are some difficulty issues as, which it is adjustable, it is possible to hit some serious spikes (like enemies that'll one-shot characters while taking almost no damage in return due to higher armor stats) in places. Maybe it's me or the times, but I didn't really see the same level of quirky, twisted commentary style humor in the game than the Fallout s...


Greedfall successfully made me hate everyone in its fantasy-colonial world. Actually, that's not entirely true. The companion characters are mostly likable, and there are a few of the otherwise supporting cast that are individually fine. The game definitely did manage to evoke a changing emotional response over the course of it, so that's something. As far as mechanics and gameplay, it's... fine? Combat has a little variety in styles and such, but isn't precise enough to be stand-out. Environments work, but reuse a high percentage of assets. Quests and things to do feel a little bit sparse with a whole lot of running back and forth. Boss fights are certainly harder, though mostly that's a matter of magnitude (more incoming damage and more health to go through on enemies). The story is one of a colonial-ish mainland with various factions suffering an increasing plague of the "malichor" turning to a newly settled island to investigate/exploit in hopes of...