Disco Elysium
Disco Elysium is a text-heavy, action-light RPG. It probably does remind me most closely of Planescape: Torment, though it isn't quite as legitimately "out there" as that classic. The character-defining stats are daunting as hell at first glance with things like Rhetoric (ability to persuade others) and Pain Threshold (affecting physical health) to Esprit de Corps (connection with and knowledge of police) and Encyclopedia (general world knowledge). The game is strewn with passive skill checks that affect information presented to you, the player. Then there are active checks to accomplish certain things, many of which can be attempted again if you increase the relevant trait. You also get Thoughts that can be suggested by conversations and encounters that you can put into your "Thought Cabinet" to consider for several in-game hours until reaching a conclusion. Such things usually have a negative modifier that, upon conclusion, becomes a positive one. Some don...