I've been putting a dent in some shows that I've had on my "I should watch this sometime" list, slowly but surely... The first season of Stranger Things was pretty good. The 80's nostalgia factor works for me. The mix of youth adventure and supernatural works for me. The cosmology felt a little so-so, but overall interesting enough to watch and I'll follow up on it, I'm sure. There were a few details that strained my suspension of disbelief, but overall pretty cool. I do find it a little hard to devote the time to hour-long shows, though, it seems. Curious. I also went through the first season of The Dragon Prince . That was easier in a time sense, at least. The whole "from the makers of Avatar" sort of told me early on I would want to check it out. The art style turned me off a little, though. I dislike the CGI/cell-shaded look to the point it's a mark against several series, though I can like something in spite of it (like SW: Rebels)....