Character: Art Khan
Time to shift gears, organize thoughts, and refresh my memory. So, our Blue Rose campaign has officially wound down. The ending was a little anticlimactic, but reasonably suitable, with the party getting to tell their story to the queen and being offered titles/knighthoods. I wonder if everyone else had to ponder that as much as I did in that moment. But that means next week it'll be time to take up the 13th Age game that was pitched late last year for Tuesday night Discord-based play. I did go through the process of making a character, but that was two or more months ago now and I haven't really looked at any of the material since. That makes this a good opportunity to do some analysis. 13th Age itself seems relatively familiar as a D&D derivative. Certainly, there are differences in details, but d20+modifiers against an armor class with a familiar range for abilities makes it less intimidating than something wholly different. There are some notable differences in things...