Well, poor console-less me gets to sit on the sidelines for the big release of Red Dead Redemption 2. Alas. Maybe PC version will come someday. Meanwhile, I've "finished up" AC Odyssey. I think my previous remarks and impressions stand. I would add that there are occasional issues with the targeting system, leading to doing damage to unintended targets (killed the NPC I was trying to protect from a bear in one quest because he was too close when I attacked the bear) during some swings or the odd situation where I would even lock on to one of my own ship lieutenants when boarding an enemy vessel. And, whether you consider it "realism" or a drawback, there are a good number of quest situations where the best outcome is less than perfect - making the "good/heroic" dialog choices does not guarantee innocents will survive and such. Also, sometimes you can talk your way out of a bad situation, but that makes the things that can only be solved with weapo...