I started watching Altered Carbon a while back and ended up taking a break partway through because... hmm... perhaps because the episodes are an "hour" long plus general seriousness. But I came back and finished it, and I don't mean any of that as a knock against the series. It's set much more in the future than what I typically think of as "cyberpunk" but it very much holds true to the themes of the genre - AI, gentrification, questioning humanity. There's a mystery for the main character is hired to unravel that turns into much more along the way. It does all that well and looks good. The characters are generally solid. There are some truly great moments of acting when certain characters are dealing with their consciousness being loaded into very different bodies. I think the series leans a bit heavily into unveiling new things to open up more questions every episode or two. Whether that's a good or bad thing may be up for interpretation, but I c...