Star Wars: Return of the Cosplay
For whatever reason, I've had a bit of an itch to get back into working on a cosplay project. Since my Mandalorian outfit was sort of rushed at the end, I've turned my attention back to it. There are certainly some things I want to improve - proper gauntlets and the like. I've started purchasing a few things there and there to work with, though haven't hunkered down to do the work as yet. And this got me thinking again about a weapon. And from there, I've a bunch of little thoughts... When I started on this last year, I picked up a Nerf Alphastrike because I really liked the basic look, feel, and size of it. The more I looked at it, though, the less I felt it viable for Star Wars. As much as I like the shape, it's really more suitable to Mass Effect or some other "sleeker" sci-fi setting. Star Wars has an older "future" aesthetic and a lot of the canon weapons are pieced together out of WWII firearms and the like. So I ended up backing off ...