Middle Earth: Shadows of War
Y'know, looking back at my review of Shadows of Mordor , there's really no surprise here. The game plays okay, though the mashing of buttons, quick time counters, and hit streak power moves are all feeling a bit dated. Assassin's Creed Origins moved a little bit away from that, and it feels better in my book. The Nemesis System has evolved ever so slightly, but feels less revolutionary than the first iteration. I saw a handful of orcs come back from the dead repeatedly and it made little impact. The story was serviceable, but scattered. Shelob (prettied up and a little less spidery) gets a whole lot of focus in the beginning, then largely steps off to the side, leaving Talion and Celembrimbor to intersect with a few other characters. I quite liked the Gondorians (though Idril was entirely too "clean" looking to be going through battle), but they too are only around for perhaps a dozen quests. Most of the play time it going to be spent fighting through/running a...