
Showing posts from December, 2016


A zombie dream. Whee! Well, it started out with a group on a ship traveling to a research station in Antarctic. There was a great deal of interest in researching some odd plant that was all but extinct, but we had video of one instance of it getting washed out to see on a melting ice shelf. There was the sense this plant was somehow connected to things that came later. There was some crisis, and the ship only had enough fuel to reach the dock, not enough to returns, so the group was tense when they finally reached the station (which was on land, not ice, go figure). Then they/we start finding lots of blood and signs in various buildings of the compound that something bad happened to everyone already there. Then the infection and zombies start showing up. Some members of the team are infected, but they don't all go zombie-monsterish. They seem fully sane and aware, but obviously infected, so they're more or less confined to one building, though there's a sense of debat...

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Rogue One... ... is a good movie in its own right. ... feels like Star Wars even without serious Jedi presence. ... is a good example of how to expand the universe and fill in gaps without feeling overly cheesy and pandering, which is something the prequels didn't manage. ... does not feel overly stilted and scripted like the prequels did. ... is a darker story overall, feeling closer to Episode V than VI, for example. ... feels like it could have been a campaign, especially in the West End Games era of the Star Wars RPG. I very much enjoyed the movie. I didn't enjoy everything about it, but the whole felt good. There are genuine emotional moments that feel earned. Character arcs feel a little rushed, but work. I knew I was going to see it, so I didn't follow the rumor mill very closely. In the end, I got a Star Wars movie that I didn't fully realize I wanted. It sets things up for A New Hope pretty perfectly by telling its own solid story. There are severa...


So, yesterday, my work day closed out with me in a room with my immediate supervisor/co-tech and our manager (VP of Finance and Operations or something, officially). The latter explained that I'm being changed back from a salaried employee to hourly. He went on to say this is not in any way a demotion, but rather a way to make sure I'm compensated for working any longer hours. Additionally, it's been conveyed this morning that it's a step toward an actual raise, which is apparently easier to push through our company red tape for an hourly employee versus a salaried one. Now unless all that's blowing smoke - and I don't believe it is - the only actual negative here is the inconvenience of having to track hours. I haven't been leaving early with any regularity, so I'm not going to lose out that way. When I work late, I can now get paid for it. And if this clears a path toward an actual increase in pay, that's good. Still, it feels a bit unsettling ...