Blast from the Past
It's been many years since I've been to a Snowdown Follies show - a local yearly production of comedy/entertainment skits. This year's Snowdown theme was "Back to the 80's" so there was a lot of familiar music and such. And while I may say I'm not an audiophile, there is music that moves me and that decade had some solid hits that do just that. Of all the nostalgic skits and digs at current politics and local news, the one skit that stood out most involved turning off all the lights hand having five people in suits with strands of colored lights dancing on stage to Mr. Roboto with the lights flickering on and off at times as they would strike poses or move to different positions. I think that sort of setup would actually hide sloppy dancing, but the routine was very striking. Also, I must say it's been a long time since I've heard the word "fuck" used so much. ;) Edit: Finally found an article with at least a photo of one of those ...