Thoughts of a campaign seed
City-state on an isolated peninsula founded on the ruins of some ancient civilization when a powerful mage brought people there from a foreign land. 200-ish years of settlement, time to get well established, but not having developed long-range sea travel and explorations tend to end up with people not returning. Possible catacomb/dungeon in the mountains on the inland end, possibly set up by the very mage that established the settlement. - The thought is the mage (possibly demon-possessed) made himself out as savior, magically transporting a population away from a supposed threat while really establishing a supply of test subjects. Over a couple hundred years, the necessities of survival have obscured some of the reality of what happened. Class and racial biases transferred over, but then the lines became somewhat blurred. Nobles could only retain status if they had enough loyal followers to help hold it, since possessions were, to an extent, reset. And anyone who really looks ...