Game Comments
Guild Wars 2 ArenaNet's been promoting their upcoming April 2014 "Feature Pack," revealing a lot of what I would consider quality of life improvements. More things will be shared across accounts rather than per character, including dyes and wardrobe options. Doing away with armor repair costs. The ability to swap traits without paying for a consumable to do so. Honestly, there's only one point I have any reservations about, which is the manner of unlocking traits. That could be annoying, or it could be fine. Everything else looks good. Yet, for all that, none of it actually makes me want to put in more time in-game. Still doing guild missions with AW, which has been streamlined to around an hour and a half most weeks, and spending some evening time with ARIN. Other than those guild activities, however, the only thing that feels new/like progress is the Living Story when there's a release, and that seems to be in a bit of a lull - just a statement, I don't re...