A recent WoW developer blog is, to me, worth noting. While it is primarily a reaction to outcry about "favoritism" for the Horde (or Alliance) in the game, the point that strikes home for me most is the necessity of adversity for heroism. While the whole "home village destroyed by evil warlord" thing is cliche, heroes need something to overcome. If they never suffer loss, they can't overcome it to shine. Whether related or not, I'm finding myself increasingly dismayed everytime I watch the Star Wars prequels (or even Return of the Jedi, to a lesser extent). Ugh. This entertains me, especially with the mention of WoW losing a million subscribers and the assessment of existing subscription MMO status. Sparked by Thanksgiving dinner conversation, I found myself recently thinking and re-overanalyzing my experiences with the SCA. The road not travelled, I suppose. How might things have been different? If the people I'd gotten into it with hadn't m...