Snow Day
Yeah, I'm declaring this a snow day, thank you very much. I suspect the office can manage without me today, and my co-tech is in walking distance is there's any real need. When I got up yesterday (which was a little early), I peeked out the window. "Okay," I said, "there's just frost on my windshield - no snow yet." About a half hour later, everything was dusted. And the snow, while not always heavy, really hasn't stopped falling since. A couple people bowed out due to weather, but we gamed last night. So when I got home (finding the sidewalks shoveled, but only a single lane plowed through the parking lot some hours back), I got out my shovel and started digging. I think I cleared about six parking spaces myself. It's not like anyone else is going to do it. Given that, I feel surprisingly well. Which, I'm not sure if I should take as a good sign or simply a sign that the aches haven't set in yet. And there's been another few ...