At What Point is a Gamer "Hardcore?" @.@
I really need to try to focus on a few things for Star Wars, as we may be playing tonight. Alas, I haven't had a lot of feedback that helps me figure out what to cover before pushing plot, but we'll see what happens. As for other games... Back to Creation, petitioning for help, and off to Yu Shan again. Whee! Though Five Days Darkness had little information of assistance and didn't convey any certainty when he was asked to relay a message to Xian Aki in Yu Shan, Xian showed up shortly thereafter. He, it seems, shall be the Circle's source of support for tackling Thorns and the Mask of Winter. It's a battle he has been planning for a long time - even to the extent of diverting possible rebellions along the way (because he knows they'll fail and doesn't want to give the Mask of Winter a solid, public victory). But, naturally, other things have to come first. So he helped the group get to Yu Shan and meet with Lytek, with whom they discussed things further...