So while I have one computer trying to repair a hard drive that's looking pretty screwed, I seem to have time to think. That's not always a good thing. The company's starting up a new health program of sorts with online tracking and such. I wonder if filling out the questionaires will tell me the number one medical-related problem I really have: I'm a creature of habit, and my habits don't include going to the doctor. I haven't been to one in... years. Heck, I don't "have" a doctor, and I can't imagine any place still has records of me on file. This may be an opportunity to change that - maybe. I guess we'll see. Saw the new Indiana Jones movie on the weekend. It was decent fun and worth admission and time, I'd say, but not great. The "supernatural" stuff was too blatant for me compared to the others, and other elements were too over the top for my tastes. "More over the top than Nazi's having their face's mel...