Further WoW Education
... some of it the hard way. Went through Shattered Halls and Caverns of Time: Old Hillsbrad recently. Both were cake walks compared to previous times. Honestly, I was surprised and wondered when we'd gotten that much better. But suspicion of some "easy" mode having been set on the game would fade later. Oh. My. God. I'm not going to call it the most difficult dungeon I've done or anything. We wiped once, got back on our feet, and got through it the second time. But... it's not so much a dungeon as defending a point against wave after wave of continuous enemies. No chance to rest, and I'm still confused over not running out of mana. I think I would have liked to see a little more in the DPS department to help kill the constant stream of dragony things. Two tanks was less than ideal. But it did work. We did get through it. And, for once, my priest stayed in shadow form most of the time and left the healing to our paladin. It was tense from my point...