Odd dream this afternoon that made more sense (in it's own way) than usual. In a Musketeering era (with elements of romance, revenge, and intrigue that I was vaguely aware of), a man was fulfilling some prophecy that involved rescuing a wounded animal and being at the city docks at night with a metal trash can. He knew he was supposed to use this trash can as some sort of boat, but without any real idea how or where he was going. Then a figure stepped out of the shadows behind, shooting him in the back with a pistol. He fell into the trash can, which in turn rolled off into the water, drifting away... But this was okay, because he survived, the evil consortium thought him dead, and he would return with the freedom to act behind the scenes as he was believed dead. Then I was a GM outside the game, talking to the players about the scene and asking how much longer they wanted to play the campaign so as to gauge how much work I needed to do. It seemed as though we were in college...