I met my father for lunch today. This was nice, as it always is. It's good to hear how he's enjoying retirement and I think assuring him that I'm doing okay helps to convince me that's true. I did voice a possible need for a vacation. 'tis true, I think. I took a couple days off for a long weekend in February and... uh... that's about it for my planned time off this year. Past and future. Part of the problem is not really having anything to do. I could take time off and hang around at home for rest's sake, but it doesn't really get me a change of scenery or perspective. I've friends who would encourage me to visit, but the expense of traveling anywhere is a major kink in such things. I've still got a bad taste in my mouth from how an adventure I assisted in online, but didn't run myself, drew to a close. One of the villains, placed in my hands, was smarter than the players expected and made what might otherwise have been a solid victory ...