7th Sea
Entering a new chapter, and having spent many experience points, our protagonists set off onto the high seas, bound for Vodacce. Much to Sylvia's displeasure. She still doesn't like ocean voyages, and (even though she's my own character) I'm starting to understand why. It's never seemed to be a fear of drowning or being shipwrecked necessarily. Rather, it seems to be a matter of control. On land, she feels she can always fall back on something familiar whatever happens - even if it's just her own two feet on solid ground. At sea, if things go bad, she's at the mercy of ship, crew, weather, and current. The thought of being powerless because she can't control those factors disturbs her on a very deep level. Which, of course, came up a little when a trio of Castillian ships stopped Sebastian's El Vagamundo . They turned out to be under the command of Sebastian's own brother even, Filip, acting with royal papers and as a Vaticine inquisitor. ...