
Showing posts from February, 2006

Ah, the Good Ol' Days

There are other game endings on this site, but this one brings back the most memories for me. Star Control 2 - great game in its day.

Frustrations at Play

Certain things have been bugging me of late on the primary MUCK where I play. My instinct is to not go into detail, but I've been told I should vent, so maybe I'll try that here. Obviously, if you don't care about MUCKing, the below isn't worth the bother. And if you MUCK with me, you probably shouldn't read the below while in a poor mood, 'cause such rants always seem to make those worse... Argh! Now, I always have a baseline level of annoyance. I figure it can't be helped. That has to do with the finite amount of concentration and time I have to put into characters and how it doesn't add up to the amount of attention and time others want from me. I cannot keep up with everyone, especially when half the people I know seem to prefer exclusive time with my characters. Heaven forbid I roleplay in a group. I've lost count of how many times I've heard 'Oh, I don't want to interrupt, I'll just go away' with all the mopey connot...

Driven Insane By IT Trivialities

Argh! Okay, I enjoy the fact that I usually have free time at work (when all is going well). I don't mind spending some of it trying to fix things that are minor and irrelevant to work. It ticks me off, however, to find that I've been searching/experimenting for over two hours without any success. In this case, the trivial little thing is an inability to burn CDs using Windows Media Player - pull up the Burn option and it says "No CD or DVD burner has been detected." This is is a minor issue because there's other CD-burning software on the workstations that functions just fine for anything work-related. Our Advertising Manager, however, prefers the way Media Player organizes files for selection. Whee. This problem shows up all over. Plenty of forum posts here and there. Solutions, though, are slim. Is the CD-RW drive on the approved Windows list? Yes. Is it installed correctly? Yes. Does it show up as recordable in Windows? Yes. Change this... tweak that... ...

Happy Birthday, Cathe

Hope it's a good one. :)