It's been a while since I've written, but that's not what this is about. No, this is about work. As many readers (do I have "many" readers?) may know, my biggest point of annoyance with my job is feeling underpaid. Oh, I'll complain about long hours and hectic days. I'll bitch about computer failures and moving everything for changes to the office. But the one thing that underlies any problem I have with the workplace is looking at my paycheck and thinking "Is this what I'm worth for being on-call to fix just about anything that goes wrong? Is this all nearly eleven years of service with the same company is worth?" Well, just yesterday I had a conversation with someone in another department. I heard a tale of how she had gone to one manager expressing concern that another employee was getting paid notably below peers simply because she'd been there longer. I heard how the manager came back saying, "Whoa, you're right," t...