Well, my birthday has come and gone. The day itself was pleasant, if somewhat lackluster. Dinner with folks, good wishes from friends (even if a couple didn't seem to remember off-hand), and even the singing of "Happy Birthday" by coworkers courtesy of a call my dad made. Grr. Gotta get him for that someday. All-in-all, it was an above average day, better than I expected, and more enjoyable than any birthday in recent memory. I say "30 feels a lot like 29," but there really is more to it than that. 30 does feel older than, say, 20. I feel physically older - I certainly don't go hopping over low, partial walls like I once did. I feel older in spirit as well, being vastly more jaded and less idealistic. In those years, I've seen a lot of things happen ... and I've seen a lot of things not happen. I look back on the last decade and, based on the changes in my nature and perceptions, I'm fairly certain I'd rather not get any older. Maybe that...