Part two of... maybe just two. Personal stuff and the best warning I can give is "don't look if you don't want to know." Writing on weighty issues has always been easier for me than talking about them. Still, even in text, some things are difficult to put forth. Sex is one of them. Oh sure, I have characters that throw the topic around like it's nothing, but that hardly counts. So why is this such a touch topic for me? I'm not entirely sure. Maybe all that moving as a kid kept me from developing bonds with friends at the time others are talking about such things. Maybe it's just *me*. Either way, I've never really discussed it. Sure, there were magazines I saw at an age that would be frowned on. Yes, my parents bought me a book one year, and there was "sex ed" in school. For all that, I'm just not comfortable with the topic. Throw in the vast amounts of information of all sorts on the internet, and I'm a warped little bundle of ...