(WoW) Re: Warlords of Draenor

Well, I'm glad my main WoW news/article site survived being shuttered by a parent company and lives on via Patreon. It allows me to read things like this that put a point to things I might be thinking in ways I might not have.

As I mentioned previously, I'm still a little unclear on why we (at least the Alliance, but probably Horde too) stayed in in Draenor this long. We're told the Iron Horde is a threat that needs to be taken care of, but nothing we're shown proves that, as they got absolutely spanked when we came through the Dark Portal to begin with. That said, I must grant there are some interesting stories to be found in the leveling quests. I like helping the draenei, and especially the arakkoa - heck, I think I found the Spires of Arak plot the most interesting myself.

But the story really does falter once you finish the leveling experience. I find the garrison missions and management actually pretty entertaining. I don't feel the dungeon/raid content that I have seen is so much better or worse than previous for the most part - and while I might say there's not enough continuing incentive for the 5-mans, they play just fine. Really, the gameplay is fine. The story... not so much.

The garrison campaign quests seem like they have potential, but from what I hear they don't really deliver. Nevermind that they still don't work on my main yet. The legendary ring quests are... something. There is a storyline there, but it seems detached from everything else and I'd say it's hard to be invested when it's all driven by one man's obsession to tackle a guy we know is bad, but he really hasn't shown himself any sort of threat to us.

Bottom line - it could be better. As pointed out in the article, the daily progress of Mists, which it had other issues, actually did a fair job of delivering progressive story that we're lacking at this point. 6.1, due next week, doesn't seem like it'll shake that up much, but I guess we'll see what comes.


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