
Bleh. Really hasn't been a great week. And so I feel justified in saying I'm feeling down. At least there's a reason for it rather than the random depression of the past.

A power supply replacement at work didn't fix one computer - Oh look, bad capacitors on the motherboard! Then we had another laptop go down and ordered a replace which... had some issues and is now not serviceable itself. Then there's the all-too-frequent "hey, we have someone starting tomorrow who needs all this equipment!" Work has felt like I've been treading water. I'm not angry about it, but it's wearying.

Saturday eve I decided not to cook and went out to grab some food, including a dessert. Then my car wouldn't start to return home. Suspecting the battery (I think it's original), I called over a helpful friend and we tried to jump start it. When that didn't work, I was left with little alternative but to call for a tow. Towing coverage on insurance takes a little sting out of the experience, but it still means sitting around for a while on a Saturday night and being left wondering.

So I walked to work this morning. Not altogether a bad thing.

The local dealership's been good about getting in touch this morning, at least. Indeed, they say the battery is deaaaad. They also (as some repair shops are wont to do) diagnosed a few other things - irregular tire wear, dirty transmission fluid, and such. Given my limited maintenance effort, it's not really a surprise. Getting everything tended does push the bill up higher than I was hoping for. That's annoying, but I feel like it's probably due rather than me being squeezed for more money. Bleh.

And my shoulder is bugging me today. Hips or feet I could understand, but my shoulder?


  1. For the shoulder: Slept wrong? Stress? A factor of the two?

  2. Maybe sleep. Only bugged me after getting to work. Whatever the case, not so much an issue today, at least. And my car's back. Yay.


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