(WoW) Gut Check

So... Warlords of Draenor is the next expansion, huh? (Quasi-)Time-traveling after Garrosh to prevent him from altering the Horde and invading present-day Azeroth, or something. It's early. Details are sparse, and subject to change. But I have mixed feelings around it.

It's an awesome idea.
It's a horrible idea.

Warcraft lore is a great strength of the game. Getting to experience some of that rich history, even if it's a parallel timeline or with protection of a dragonflight or whatever, is cool.
It's a retread of history, though, rather than making totally new stories. That has novelty, but is sorta boring and less interactive than moving forward.

It's a great opportunity for players, especially those that didn't experience the original Warcraft games, to see some of the history of the Horde.
Yeah. So what about the Alliance?
I've commented before that it felt like the Alliance lost more ground than it gained in Cataclysm. MoP already felt like 90% of the story revolved around the Horde, with the Alliance picking up the pieces. And the end of the expansion again felt like a big thing for the Horde with zero Alliance payoff.
Well... yeah...
So now we're going to time/place where there's a bunch of Horde and some pre-Alliance draenei maybe. It seems any Alliance we encounter are likely to travelers with the PCs.
Depending on exact time frame, we could see Turalyon and Alleria!
That's the single redeeming value I'm seeing. Granted, Blizzard could surprise me and pull of a more balanced story, but I don't really see how. It sounds like another Horde story hour.

New character models!
No argument there, they look better.
Level 100 cap!
Ten levels sounds more interesting than 5, but that's not a big selling point to me.
A personal garrison to develop!
Eh. Sunsong Ranch was little more than a source of chores for materials to me. I'm unconvinced this will be more compelling.

So... yeah. Not seeing a release date yet, so I'm sure it's a ways off. At best, I have to put this on a "might play" list because, when you get down to it, all the new and fancy features in the world won't be able to keep me invested enough to pay a subscription fee without some sense of community, and it feels like the guild is probably past the point of pulling a phoenix-like resurrection with a new expansion.

Addendum: Listening to some of the interviews, it sounds a long way off. Glancing back, MoP was announced at Blizzcon 2011, started beta testing in July 2012, and was released in late September 2012. Based on that, Warlords is probably 11+ months away.


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