(WoW) Destroyer's End

RL schedules have pushed raiding back to a later hour the last few weeks, but once everyone was present, we managed to hit the ground running last night. The zone debuff went from 25% to 30% and it was noticeable, with bosses in the first half of Dragon Soul proving... well... easy. Of course, Hagara's ice walls can still kill you if you run into where they're going.

Ultraxion was a bit rough because some people died along the way, leaving us short on DPS and putting us right up against his enrage mechanic. He fell as we did, victory coming probably only because of our priest's Spirit of Redemption "resurrect." Blackhorn wasn't bad. Spine of Deathwing is still the hardest between coordination and damage, but we got that in our first go too. And so with several people who hadn't even seen the LFR version of Madness of Deathwing, we tried it and wiped once. I fear that might have been mostly my fault, though it was my first time tanking it in any form and I'm still not sure how I picked up two impales the first time around. The group got to the fourth platform, though. And on our next attempt, we went all the way, downing the final boss (albeit not on heroic) of the expansion.


I still want a shield off Blackhorn and there are some minor upgrades in DS, but there's also talk about going back and spending more time in Firelands to work at Dragonwrath and get down Ragnaros, which is still a harder fight from an execution perspective though it should be easier numbers-wise.

Otherwise... I think I'm putting off seeing The Dark Knight Rises 'til next weekend probably, and I don't know what to make of a Bleach-based dream that morphed into LARPing and involved carrying a naked girl (a "wounded fellow soul reaper") across a few blocks downtown. o.o;


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