(WoW) Post-Patch Raiding

So the week's been a lot of experimenting. Had trouble in 5-man dungeons holding aggro in groups. Revamped a couple talents and glyphs, and did a litlte reforging. And Blizzard made some changes to numbers - mostly for Retribution, but it affected Protection abilities, too.

So when I stepped foot in ICC tonight, I pulled around 11k DPS on the first bunch of trash pulls. That's just... wow. Ridiculously high, actually. Lots of AOE damage and the benefit of tankly Vengeance (attack power boost that goes up with damage taken). Now, my DPS output leveled off as we progressed - the situation of those pulls heavily favored me, but it sure looked pretty while it lasted. Overall, my fears were largely unfounded. There still can be aggro issues, but it's not a given. Marrowgar went down pretty quickly. Lady Deathwhisper in what might have been record time - shield down before the third wave, fight over in something like 3 minutes. We tried the gunship battle on heroic mode and (largely due to fumbling with minor differences and less than our usual amount of melee DPS) bit it the first time. The second time, we succeeded, though. Two drops that were actually useful - a tanking shield and ring. I took the shield and passed the ring to Elly so we both got something. It's not a massive upgrade over my non-heroic version, but it's minorly better across the board. And while just a reskin of the same model, I actually like the look and colors of it much better. Squee!

So... while I fear I might suffer a nerf of some sort in the near future, I actually feel pretty comfortable with where things stand right now for tankadins. And we definitely can succeed in ICC (even with some lesser-geared members). Though there's some degree of burnout with at least one member. I'm not opposed to diving back into Ulduar or something. Hard modes there might be difficult, but I'm still more than willing to try.


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