(WoW) Another Roadblock

We downed Toravon quick-like, then I bowed out to make room for the weekly on Patchwerk and the first three bosses in ICC. Strange to not be involved, but there were plenty of people (including reasonably-geared tanks). It sounded like Marrowgar and the gunship battle both took two attempts to get right. I swapped back in for Saurfang, hoping to get bracers from him. No such luck.

Then we went on to the Blood Prince Council to seriously attempt to get past it. That didn't work out. We logged seven attempts and didn't get them much past about 50% health. Our death knight wasn't really comfortable playing Keleseth tank, which is particular in that it requires collecting shadowy spheres that spawn around the room and maintaining aggro on a caster boss. They didn't seem to be taking to that very well, and while everyone else was learning about spacing and movement, we kept dying. We tried putting the other two bosses on our bear tank and having me tank Keleseth. Well, learning curve time - the first try I did reasonably okay with the dark nuclei, but lost aggro when he empowered, so he splatted people. On what was our final attempt, I felt I managed a good balance between nuclei-collecting and getting his attention. Alas, something happened (interrupted healing?) that led to the death of the other tank, and things fell apart from there. So... they remain undefeated, and it's hard to say what we can do to get past them. Maybe a fresh start next week will be enough.

We detoured to do the Valithria encounter again and did the frost giant weekly in ICC before wrapping for the night.


  1. I replied on mine... http://ajeya.livejournal.com/46676.html


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