
"Big" HOA meeting tonight, in that we get to discuss plans to hire someone else to fix the buildings. Joy. I'm not looking forward to the meeting, though I'm looking forward to having it out of the way and hoping we can move on. A few people may be clammoring to sue someone, but I don't see the point, as much as our sinking around $100,000 into a contractor who started a lot of things over a couple years and finished almost none of them does suck.

Finished Uncharted 2 and... it was quite good. Better than the first in every way I can think of and pretty cinematic without just being a movie. Even the nasty bad guys weren't as frustrating as the quasi-zombie-horde-coming-out-of-the-woodwork from the first. Of course, everytime I see a character up after grave wounds (Drake himself is back to acrobatic mountaineering a couple days after a gunshot wound to the gut, if I recall), I think "damn, that's inhuman action-hero Constituction at work." Heh.


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