
Long weekend, though never long enough. The walk I took Sunday afternoon was nice enough. It's been warming up and starting to feel like summer (and I expect town to be busier in general now).

I'm hoping for freedom from allergy meds in the few weeks, but taking the "D" version seems to have alleviated the sleepiness I've noted in the past. It's a minor hassle to have to go to the pharmacy counter and fill a few things out, but I guess lawmakers think the inconvenience is worth the chance that it might keep some (presumably less-determined) people from stocking up on base ingredients for meth. Now, do I blame some of my intense anxiety a couple weeks ago on the psuedoephedrine, or just accept people complaining left and right about the HOA situation gets me worked up to the borderline of being physically ill? Probably the latter, hard to say.

(WoW) Saturday was probably a low point for the guild in raiding for quite a while. With half a dozen or so regulars off doing things for the holiday weekend, we barely mustered 9 level 80 characters. We went to see what sort of damage we could do in ICC with the buff at 20%. Maybe I shouldn't have suggested that. Marrogar was harder than usual, but doable. Lady Deathwhisper was a roadblock. One more of our regular DPS crew probably would have made all the difference, but the nine of us weren't enough. That seemed demoralizing enough for the raid to crumble, which further upset some people perhaps. Sad, but we're allowed off weeks, I think.

I finished Red Seas Under Red Skies last week, book 2 in a series. Enjoyable, with an unusually large dose of fantasy-world-stuff at sea. The structure of the book seemed very similar to me to the first one, which I worry about a little just for fear the pattern will continue and later books will be more predictable. It looks like at least next year before book 3 is out, though, so who knows.


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