Welcome to Summer

The Memorial Day weekend sort of marks the beginning of "summer" here. It's now tourist season, and it feels like it.

We had kyn-elwynn over since Thursday, and just saw him off earlier today. It was interesting having someone over for a few days - the first time we've really done that which I can recall, though we've had overnight visits a few times. It didn't really feel crowded here, but I did spend a lot of time worrying over entertainment of my guest. I suppose that's the nature of things. You don't want everyone to be bored, but I don't care to run around all the time either.

We went to Mesa Verde. It was the first time up there for me in... I dunno. Ten years? More? So that was sort of nice, and about the most touristy thing we did. Otherwise, we caught a movie, ate out around town, walked some of the river trail, and saw (albeit in passing) some of the bike racing that goes on over the weekend. I hope the experience was relaxing overall. I think Kyn could use the relaxation. ;)

We also went and saw Terminator: Salvation. I found myself commenting little after the movie. I didn't feel like I wanted my money back or anything, but the movie wasn't terribly satisfying either.

The pacing was a little awkward, with scene jumping back and forth before really accomplishing anything. I see this in other movies, too. The underlying themes and "twists" were pretty transparent for the most part. I'd appreciate a little more subtlety, though some of these were spoiled for me long before setting foot in the theater anyway.

John Connor wasn't really well-defined in my eye. I'm glad they gave him some hacking skills, as that builds upon his childhood habits from T2. He's apparently a charismatic figure in the resistance, but in the first assault scene, he comes across as someone more likely to grunt than talk to you. It's never really clear if he actually is compassionate about the captured people or if he just wants to save Kyle Reese in order to perpetuate his own existence.

Marcus was pretty obvious. There wasn't really any subtlety to his character on any level, which is a bit sad.

And I try not to think too much about the global setup of Skynet versus the humans. There are too many holes in how things work, as it somehow boils down to a very conventional sort of war.

Summer action movie. It was fine, but nothing special.


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