Of outages and (personal) system crashes

So last night the area was hit with a power outage. Lights were out from about six to seven. Knowing there'd be some issues when things got back on track (and being able to do nothing at home), I drove back in to work in order to help out. Predictably, there were problems with gettings all our servers back up and running as they should be, but it wasn't too bad.

Then I got back home and pretty much crashed. The last few days I've felt unusually energetic and awake, but that ended rather abruptly. It was almost like someone flipped a switch. Ugh.

And I wasn't much better today. It appears to be the beginning of my personal allergy season as I spent the morning freezing my tail off in my office with a runny nose and itchy eyes. Then the day got increasingly stressful. Some settings on our router were reset by the outage and ended up causing the most bizarre connection problems... but only for a few computers. I never would have guessed that was the source of the problem, and I was just about pulling my hair out 'til I consulted with my co-tech. *sigh*

I ended up leaving a little late today, but at least things were working at the time. Now, after a nap and dinner, I still don't really feel any better. Such is life, eh?



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